About Dan

About Dan

Dan Thiessen is from Kelowna, BC CANADA. Dan spent his first twenty years in Kelowna then left to follow his dreams and calling. After a nearly forty year absence, Dan has returned to the Okanagan Valley. Initially to spend the last few years with his mom (who has now passed) but now to reconnect with his home town.

Most of you will know Dan from his travelling days as a singer/songwriter, some from his internationally known songs or some from his twenty years as a minister in Saskatchewan and Ontario. Dan has recorded four albums of original music, performed on Crossroads Television and was a guest on TSN’s Off the Record with Michael Landsberg.

As a singer/songwriter Dan has travelled with Arlen Salte (founder – Breakforth Canada) with whom he remains friends. Recently Dan wrote and entered a song in the Hockey Night in Canada contest for which Shaw Cable did a feature and the local news did a feature article. More recently, Dan wrote a song called “We Will Get Through This” which was featured in a local news article in Castanet.

Dan has shared the stage with Randy Rothwell (HOSANNA! INTEGRITY Music), Worldwide evangelists Reinhard Bonke and Winkey Pratney and Col. James Irwin (Apollo 15 Astronaut – Walked on the moon), Israel Narvaez (Cross and the Switchblade – David Wilkerson), and has had his music recorded by Kelly Willard (HOSANNA! INTEGRITY Music), and Christ for the Nations, Dallas, Texas. Dan once produced and directed a TV program for Johnny Cash’s sister Joanne Cash.

As a writer Dan wrote a weekly column for the Haldimand Press for two years and had one of his stories published (next to one by Corrie Ten Boom) in the book “The Heart of a Father” compiled by Wayne Holmes. Dan currently has an eBook available on Amazon entitled “Seeing God”. Dan has also written three screenplays, one currently under review by Netflix.

Dan is divorced with two young adult children with whom he is the most proud.